The Official Music of Kacee/Klayster

Land Gigs

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

"The Mind of an Adagio"

So, I am sitting in this room and getting super nervous, because in a few minutes the host of this event will be Mariska Hargitay and I am beyond stoked.  The event is hosted by the "MSU Safe Place" and "MSU Counseling Center", and it is entitled, "Telling Amy's Story."  It's about domestic abuse.  This should be a great and informative event, that should shed some light to what is happening in relationships across the world.

Well,.back to my complete and utter nervousness . . . I am sitting in the front row, waiting to catch sight of my favorite SVU detective and get a picture, hand her the note that I wrote her and hear the discussion for this event.

I tend to go "insane" when there is something that I am looking forward to seeing or doing and this is definitely on my top list of things to do!! :-p


Fast forward to the actual event and the ending . . . So, she was NOT there and at first I was a little disappointed, but after viewing the screening of the story, I was put at ease, because this story is not about fame but notoriety - in a sense, it's about showing people why this is important, instead of desensitizing the matter by adding someone that can distract the audience from the initial story.

And although I did not get the chance to meet Mariska, I am sure that one day I will get that chance or to send her my letter and feel relieved that it was under better terms . . . :-p

Well, it's off to work now - there's so much to get done, before next week.

Streisand's playing in the background, playing "People" and come on, how awesome is that . . .

Gotta Go, Talk Later.

Much Love,

~Kyra C.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Sitting in an environment that I am not supposed to be in . . . Listening to Alexisonfire scream my existence!  Not even feeling like doing this simple homework, but instead I want to vent (physically) to the douche bags that never use professional behavior when they are suppose to.  I went from being in an amazing mood, to completely ticked off and willing to strike, like Randy Orton, in a moment's time.

See, there's a difference in mistakenly not showing up for work, getting the call and feeling sorry for not showing up.  Or even the aspect of coming in late, but still coming in.  However if you are a NO CALL NO SHOW and there is absolutely no remorse, then I feel nothing for you and even less if you get fired for your antics.

I have an entire evening of this CRAP and I am so over it.  I am over people thinking that everything revolves around them, so they want everyone to focus on them (and no, making this blog is not an example!), so they interrupt people or decide that their agenda is bigger than other's.  I would like to see these incompetent individuals, once they get into the real world.  Really, I would love to see them be reprimanded for their actions and sent into a downward spiral of desperation (okay, maybe that's too harsh . . . ).

I have just gotten to the point, where these six weeks seem to be going slower than my entire University career.  I am so ready to get away from certain situations and people, and never look back.

Maybe I'll talk later and it will be more positive . . .

~Kyra C.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

"Running Up That Hill"

Sitting here in the late hours . . . Well, it will be late hours once I'm done. :-p  But anywho, I'm sitting here and working on many homework assignments and counting down the weeks until graduation.

This week has been crazy hectic and just plain crazy, because of all those darn funerals that I had to attend.  On top of all the funerals and driving that took place, I wrote five papers last week and was totally stoked when they were all finished, although this week I'm working on an additional five more, which could be a sign of insanity, only I'm an English major, so there's your definition right there.  I decided that this evening I would try and finish all of my papers and leave next week for breathing - If I make it, right?

My set playlist is as sporadic as my mind, sometimes . . . From Placebo's "Running Up That Hill" to P.O.D.'s "Youth Of A Nation" - Shows how my brain is drifting, and it sure is drifting.  I cannot wait until all these assignments are finished and I can focus on the reality of real "Real" life (sorry about that - the urge to quote Tim from my Compliance Video Training, just appeared :-p) . . .

Well, I am going to get back to this study session, because I have less time than I wanted, and I need to make sure everything is done before I tackle the 10 page paper for, get this . . . My ENG class (who would have thunk it - Yeah . . . ).

Talk Later Dudes.

~Kyra C.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

"If It Means A Lot To You"

Sitting here and listening to A Day To Remember's "If It Means A Lot To You" and thinking about how crazy it is that music can be so important to making a person feel . . . I mean, that's mainly why I love music, but when I think about how dependent I am on lyrics and their importance, it makes me cringe at the thought of complete silence or an incomplete song.  Tangents are what I tend to go on, especially when it's one of those evenings where it goes from good to just plain bizarre - you know, the feeling of content and then something goes wrong and makes you question, well, everything.

A song can just put me in the mood that I need to be in, but mostly the mood that I'm already in that just needs to be pushed - the intensity that needs to be heightened.  Listening to screamo or a good alternative rock song, that's what I'll need and that's what I'm going to be using tonight, because when you want to scream, but can't (because it's not acceptable in certain circumstances), it's good to have an iPod that can do the screaming for you.

Well, I have to go . . .

~Kyra C.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Rolling In The Deep

  Sitting in class (it has yet to begin) and listening to Adele's "Rolling In The Deep and thinking, Another day, chalked full of classes, meetings, rehearsals, paper writing . . . You know, the normal stuff that presents itself for a university student - A Senior university student. :-p  I managed to get a majority of everything I totally needed to finish, completely done and I am so happy that it's over . . . Spring Break is looming in the back of my mind, although there's no actual destination that I will be going.  That ever so popular, Mexico destination or to another foreign country . . . Yeah, not happening anytime soon, although it may happen sooner than I thought.  Just not this Spring Break - I cannot believe I've managed to make it to every crossroad of academics and NEVER go anywhere but home, for Spring Break.  :-/  Wow, that's impressive, except I know that Spring Break can be way more than just going someplace and spending your entire paycheck until you're broke - For me, it's about making and saving money.  Hey, I did say that I was a university student, which means there needs to be ample funding, especially since graduation is totally approaching faster than it took the online world to get upset about Corey Haim being dissed at the Oscars, especially since he was dissed at the Academy Awards during both Memoriam.

  Classes are on the list of things to get done today and so is a tiny nap.  Let's just say, there's one thing that may not be checked off. :-p  Nine weeks until graduation and I am happy as a clam - What, is that too much of an overly used phrase? HaHa

Well, there's only a few more minutes until today's lectures officially begin and then it's off to teach a class and back to sitting and learning.  It's a good thing more Midterms are coming up soon. :-p

~Kyra C.