Sitting in class (it has yet to begin) and listening to Adele's "Rolling In The Deep and thinking, Another day, chalked full of classes, meetings, rehearsals, paper writing . . . You know, the normal stuff that presents itself for a university student - A Senior university student. :-p I managed to get a majority of everything I totally needed to finish, completely done and I am so happy that it's over . . . Spring Break is looming in the back of my mind, although there's no actual destination that I will be going. That ever so popular, Mexico destination or to another foreign country . . . Yeah, not happening anytime soon, although it may happen sooner than I thought. Just not this Spring Break - I cannot believe I've managed to make it to every crossroad of academics and NEVER go anywhere but home, for Spring Break. :-/ Wow, that's impressive, except I know that Spring Break can be way more than just going someplace and spending your entire paycheck until you're broke - For me, it's about making and saving money. Hey, I did say that I was a university student, which means there needs to be ample funding, especially since graduation is totally approaching faster than it took the online world to get upset about Corey Haim being dissed at the Oscars, especially since he was dissed at the Academy Awards during both Memoriam.
Classes are on the list of things to get done today and so is a tiny nap. Let's just say, there's one thing that may not be checked off. :-p Nine weeks until graduation and I am happy as a clam - What, is that too much of an overly used phrase? HaHa
Well, there's only a few more minutes until today's lectures officially begin and then it's off to teach a class and back to sitting and learning. It's a good thing more Midterms are coming up soon. :-p
~Kyra C.
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